philipp boosted

The solution has been around forever and yet the most powerful never want to work with it.

#politics #cdnpoli #economics

philipp boosted

Notice. For those who may not follow astronomical news our Sun is "going through some things" this week.

Huge Coronal Mass Ejections, the largest in decades, directed towards Earth took place yesterday and will result in a severe Geomagnetic Storm arriving tonight and tomorrow morning. There is potential for disruption of communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations.

For much more on this event @AkaSci has this excellent thread:

philipp boosted
philipp boosted

Fedora Linux 40 is HERE! Check out all our latest variants for desktop, server, and more.

New features include:
* @kde Plasma 6
* @gnome 46
* Fedora Atomic Desktops (rebrand for Silverblue et al)
* PyTorch / ROCm
* And more!

Learn more and try Fedora 40 today!

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Gnome #KDE

philipp boosted
philipp boosted

One of the nicest thank-you for free software messages that I've ever received

philipp boosted

It's official. After 3 months of back and forth, a major medical provider has elected to drop me as a patient for not having a Google or Apple device.

It is unclear if this is legal, but it is very clearly discriminatory and unethical.

Any tech journalists or lawyers interested in this?

I would like to do anything I can to ensure this never happens to anyone else.

philipp boosted
philipp boosted

My mom 60 years ago with an IBM 1401 and me 6 years ago with a DEC PDP-10.


philipp boosted

Lonely parrots are unhappy parrots, so researchers set out to find a way for some of the estimated 20 million pet birds living in the United States to connect with each other.

Scientists Taught Pet Parrots to Video Call Each Other—and the Birds Loved It.

Wild parrots tend to fly in flocks, but when kept as single pets, they may become lonely and bored. #parrots #birds

@silvermoon82 How about the original, Debian. Very similar to Ubuntu but IMHO often less broken especially for packages that are only part of the Ubuntu universe repo. Also you aren't forced to adopt the whole snap ecosystem if you don't want to.

@amin Yes, I don't see the international community agree on pretty much anything, not even a saner calendar. One may still dream though.

philipp boosted

Wealth of Elon Musk
2012: $2,000,000,000
2024: $204,500,000,000

Wealth of Jeff Bezos
2012: $18,400,000,000
2024: $196,000,000,000

Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg
2012: $17,500,000,000
2024: $170,400,000,000

Federal Minimum Wage
2012: $7.25
2024: $7.25

Three words: tax the rich.

philipp boosted

Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that lets you live out such fantasies as:
• Having money
• Making close friends as an adult
• Travelling the world without crippling debt
• Being able to change the world
• Getting better at something with practice
• Getting 8 hours of sleep each night

@weilawei Sounds like something weird is going on. Opening the library only takes 10 s at most on my 7 year old laptop. Using the Linux client here. Maybe using a tool like strace could help you figure out what it's doing all that time, like accessing files or doing network communication.

philipp boosted
philipp boosted

So, RSS Parrot is my new favorite fedi thing. You can use it to follow blogs, websites, podcasts, even Bluesky users:

@kunsi Debian sid hat schon seit letztem Oktober Python 3.12.

Trotzdem ist es sehr früh 3.11 schon abzuschreiben…

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!